Telemarketing Executive

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“Telemarketing Executive related Frequently Asked Questions in various Telemarketing Executive job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

86 Telemarketing Executive Questions And Answers

7⟩ Explain do you use an auto dialer?

We do not use an auto dialer. To provide the highest quality program possible for our clients, we need to have solid discussions with qualified prospects not volumes of calls with mechanically read scripts. We do constantly look at technology to make sure we are using every tool possible to achieve this level of service.


8⟩ Tell me what's the typical background of one of your sales reps?

Our reps usually have significant business experience including telemarketing, customer service, or inside sales. Most importantly, they have excellent telephone communications skills. In fact, candidates do not get a face-to-face interview until they pass a demanding telephone screening process. Our reps typically have two to four years of college education and relevant business experience in the industries we serve - such as medical technology, high-tech, financial services and publishing. The ages of our team members range from the mid-20's to 70's with an average age of 40 to 45.


9⟩ Tell me what is your idea of a call center?

My idea of a call center is that it is a place where people take calls from customers and deliver superb customer service experience. I know that the people who work for call centers are extremely flexible people who adapt to different cultures, different people, and different schedules all at the same time.


11⟩ Tell me what do you know about this company?

I know that this company is one of the leading companies in the call center industry. You have several sites in the world, one in Atlanta, and four in Dallas. You have several accounts; most of them are medical and financial accounts. I also happen to know that most of the accounts in this call center company are very stable because this is what my friends who work here tell me.


12⟩ Explain what will you do in a situation where system shuts down and you still handling customer on the phone?

In the middle of handling phone, if the system crashes then I will ask the customer to hold for some time till I get a power back up and if not then try to resolve his/her problem with my knowledge. The best thing in such situation is to ask the customer to call back or note his contact details so you can call once the system is back.


14⟩ Tell me how will you enjoy working in a call center?

As I am an extrovert person and I like to interact with people, call center job is a perfect job for me. I like to resolve customer's queries and face the challenges positively that come across. Also, the pace of work in call center and team members friendliness always motivates me to work for call centers.


15⟩ Do you know who will make the calls?

Depending on experience we will put out best telemarketer on every job, and they will stay on it until the campaign finish's or a decision is made to move another person on to it depending on level of success both good and bad.


16⟩ Do you know how does the TeleZapper zap telemarketers?

The TeleZapper uses the technology of telemarketers' automatic dialing equipment against them. When you or your answering machine picks up a call, the TeleZapper emits a special tone that "fools" the computer into thinking your number is disconnected. Instead of connecting you to a salesperson, the computer stores your number as diconnected in it's database. Over time, as your number is removed from more and more databases, you'll see a dramatic decrease in the number of annoying telemarketing calls you receive.


17⟩ Explain how do the results of Telemarketing compare with mail shots?

Mail shots are a cheap way of achieving few results.Usually about a 1-3% response is achieved in any area where mail shots are used. Often, mail shots are not seen by the real decision maker. Compare this to Telemarketing or mail shot that is followed with Telemarketing and which focuses on the decision maker.This ensures that a response is achieved from each call and produces positive results ranging from 15-50% in many projects, depending on the product or service.

If these result percentages are compared financially, telemarketing achieves the best returns on investment when used to promote the right products or services.


18⟩ Do you know how can Telemarketing be monitored?

There are various ways of tracking results. Anderson Stockley Associates can provide a manual lead sheet for future use or a computerised spread sheet could be designed to suit the needs of the client and project.Either is an excellent way of tracking future leads and results.


19⟩ Why should we hire you as Telemarketing Executive?

I have all the qualities that a good call center agent should possess. I am punctual, disciplined, patient, and flexible, and organized. You won't have any problems with me when it comes to attendance and my behavior. I have good communication skills, multi-tasking skills, and I am a fast learner. I can guarantee you that I will be able to deliver what is being asked of me, and I will give my one hundred percent to this company. I know that I have what it takes to become a good customer service representative.


20⟩ Explain why do you want to work for our company?

I have heard nothing but good things about this company from people who have worked here. People say that the accounts here are very stable, the management is kind to its employees, and everyone is friendly.